Monday, February 2, 2009

Rock That Coat

I have a new yellow coat. I consider it stylish, vivid and daring, and I love it. Not to mention procuring said coat was one of those perfect shopping experiences that many can identify with. Last one. Perfect fit. Half price. You know what I am talking about. Anyway, when I wear the coat, I seem to be a little happier, and there must be a definitive swing in my step, because yesterday, in the produce department of the grocery store, a person approached me from behind and said, “Ma’am”. I turned to see a young store employee and immediately thought, “Did I drop my wallet or something?” Looking at me she said, “You rock that coat.” My surprise and delight were immediate and unexpected and actually rendered me speechless. My step definitely got a little swingier after that and my head was held a little higher knowing I “rock my coat.” I received three more compliments before I left that store.

The power of a positive suggestion. Pay a client a sincere compliment today. Watch what happens. And don’t forget to once in a while wear something that “you rock”. Then go hang out in the produce department. It’s a great pick me up.

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