Thursday, September 30, 2010

What Exactly Do You Do?

A colleague that I have known forever called me for lunch today, with the intent of helping me by “finding out exactly what I do, and the services I offer.” Then I read a post in ITTYbiz this morning that challenged me with the question, “How many of your readers don’t really understand your business?” Good question. I thought about it for a while and came to the conclusion that there may be quite a few. Maybe I oughta do a better job of letting people know.

So here it is - I provide consulting to companies that are in need of marketing help. Maybe they are in trouble, maybe they are repositioning, or maybe they are brand new. Doesn’t matter. I am creative, forward thinking and experienced and I help them fill apartments, keep residents and make money. My clients like me because I utilize a common-sense, practical approach customized to achieve portfolio objectives. Personally, I love marketing apartments and I’m wicked good at it.

Since all the marketing in the world won’t matter if the people are ill-equipped or don’t care, I proved training in sales, service, marketing and management issues. I adore teaching salespeople how to sell.

And since people seem to like my down-to-earth practical style, I am often asked to keynote events. Sometimes I orchestrate the entire event. I help bridge the gap between executive and front-line because I speak both their languages, and can effectively share insight on their perspectives. I help them think differently.

I also write copy. Lots of it. It’s another thing I seem to be good at.
So, that is what I do. My sense of purpose is clear.

Now it’s time for you to complete the exercise.
What exactly do you do? Why? Don't assume everybody knows.


  1. Oh, and you are actually very good at speaking.

    Robert Garcia

  2. Thank you, Robert. I appreciate that.
