Live from the AIM Conference, the visionaries at Realty DataTrust have done it again - they’ve developed a product that any smart salesperson will lust after, and any smart company will quickly implement to gain a competitive advantage over their competition. Gather round...gather round...this concept is so fresh, it isn’t even available, but you’ll definitely want to be in line to snap it up as soon as it is.
By now, you have all heard about or seen the new IPad. Pretty cool concept. Tablet size. Multifunctional. Read the paper without squinting, you get my drift. Mike Mueller, apartment visionary that he is, saw the IPad, and its potential as a leasing tool, and created a Leasing Tablet specifically for the device. My head about exploded when I saw it. Where do I begin? Let’s say you’re in an apartment and the client says, “Is the school nearby?” You pull out your leasing tablet, hit Maps and take a look at the school (and the distance from),in whatever format (street, satellite, whatever) you would like. Then, you hit Floor plans to share the slight variance in the apartment layout your client will be getting. And that is just the beginning. Take your typical Saturday afternoon. You’re really busy and people are waiting. Instead of sending them away, or making them stare at the walls for 30 minutes, you hand them an IPad and say, “Please enjoy - surf the web, read the Wall Street Journal or hit Leasing Tablet and take a look at floor plan and pricing options.” You may find that by the time you get back, they’ve gone ahead and leased an apartment. It’s that cool.
Now, for the staunch curmudgeons out there thinking, ‘’Good idea, except they will all walk out the door”, they’re working on that - which is one of the reasons it’s not available yet. This application is going to seriously change the way we lease apartments. You’ve been hearing me pontificate for the last few years that we need to make it about the client, not about us, and so many times, people come in further along in the buying cycle than we feel comfortable with, yet we make them go back to square one, because that’s just the way we do it. (Plus, if we don’t hit all the bases we might get a bad shopping report, and then we could lose our jobs.) This changes all of that. I find it profound. I want one and I want to lease apartments with it. It’s a leasing notebook, 3.0 style. Fabulous. I can’t wait to see it in action. Get your lawn chair and get in line now.